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CAMVAP has in place a process for dealing with complaints about arbitrators and will deal with your complaint in a fair and responsible manner. Any party to an arbitration can make a complaint about a CAMVAP arbitrator or how the hearing was handled. If a complaint is about hearing practices or procedures it must be made by you or the person who represented you at the hearing. However, if the complaint is about jurisdictional issues an agent who was not present at the hearing may make a complaint on your behalf.  

Read the Information Sheet on Complaints Against Arbitrators before submitting a complaint.

For a complaint to be considered:

  • The complaint must be in writing and received by the General Manager not more than 60 days after the arbitrator’s responsibility for the case has come to an end;
  • The case must be over and the jurisdiction of the arbitrator must be at an end. For example, if the arbitrator ordered repairs they must have been done and the 90 day post-repair time period must have expired; 
  • You must not be challenging the arbitrator’s decision in court by way of an application for judicial review or an appeal or, in Quebec, an annulment; and 
  • You must agree not to use the information that comes to your attention through the complaints process for any other purpose.

By signing and clicking submit form, I/we who make this complaint acknowledge and have read and understood the Information Sheet on Complaints Against Arbitrators and the actual wording of CAMVAP's process. I/we confirm my/our choice NOT to challenge the arbitration award by judicial review, appeal or annulment and consent to our complaint being processed under the CAMVAP's complaint process instead.  I/we understand that the complaint must be in writing and received by the General Manager not more than 60 days after the arbitrator's responsibility for the case has come to an end.  I/we further understand that this complaint will be reviewed by the Arbitration Specialists, the Arbitrator Review Committee, and, if appropriate, the CAMVAP Board of Directors.

By taking part in CAMVAP's complaint process I/we further agree that none of the information contained in the Arbitration Specialist's report or the decision of the Board of Directors will be used by me/us for any purposes other than as necessary to take part in the CAMVAP complaint process.

Thank you for contacting CAMVAP with your concern. You will receive an automatically generated confirmation of your submission by email shortly after you click the submit form button.

General Support: 

Call 1-800-207-0685 (toll-free)

Claims Management System Support:

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